Flesh & Blood: Armory Deck Boltyn

Don your shining armor, unsheathe your bane of dusk, and with the light of Sol within you, charge down to an Armory event near you! Armory Decks are a new...

2+ Jugadores
16+ Edad
90 min Duración
2+ Jugadores
16+ Edad
90 min Duración
Armory Decks are a new series of ready-to-play decks, supporting ease of access to Classic Constructed, the most popular Flesh…

Detalles del juego

Armory Decks are a new series of ready-to-play decks, supporting ease of access to Classic Constructed, the most popular Flesh and Blood format in the world!

Armory Decks include new card designs in addition to many of the foundational cards used in tournament winning decks of the featured hero.

An ideal way to pick-up and play at weekly Armory Events running in local game stores across the world!

Product Configuration:

60-card Classic Constructed deck, plus hero, weapon, equipment, and token cards

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